Platform Enhancements: Market Queries Guided Tour and Survey Job Tips
Our latest code release went live over the weekend on the Radford Network. Key enhancements for this update include:
- Market Queries now has an in-dashboard guided tour feature that walks you through every step of using the tool. Additionally, you will still be able to access this feature while you are in the middle of compiling a market query if you require immediate assistance.
- When using the Job Matrix, you will now be able to see new Survey Tips for jobs in the Radford Global Technology Survey. These tips will help with job matching as well as give some more background information on the role. Currently, this feature is available on the Radford Global Technology Survey only.
- The Country Totals tool has been updated with a new and more intuitive interface.
- Under the Data ribbon, you will now see a new Market Practices section. If you participated in any of our Market Practice Studies, you will find the results output here.
Other enhancements and bug fixes:
- When using Market Queries and editing a breakout, the footer will now be hidden. For some users, the footer was impeding the input of certain elements.
- Various improvements and other bug fixes.
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