Far More than Table Stakes

In the digital age, the competition for talent is often won with amazing benefits and perquisites. These programs set companies apart, help define cultural norms and increasingly allow organizations to take a clear stand on a wide range of workforce and societal issues. The tools below will help you understand the fundamentals of benefits around the world and also give you important insights into emerging trends.

Click on the links below to learn more about each of our five reports:


Benefit SpecSelect

Today’s benefits leaders have no shortage of challenges to contend with, from new legislative mandates to the pressure of enhancing value while lowering costs. Tackle these issues head-on with access to market-leading benefit insights from Aon, tailormade for Radford clients.

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Benefits Snapshot Reports

These reports, currently available in 90 countries, provide clients with a high-level overview of benefits practices and costs within a country. Each report includes information on statutory requirements, typical market practices, and estimated employee and employer costs across a wide range of common offerings, including retirement provisions, insured benefits, termination benefits, and time off policies.

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Country Profile Reports

These reports, currently available in 86 countries, provide HR professionals with a summary of the key laws and regulations impacting the terms of employment within a country. Every report covers labor and employment laws, the basic terms and conditions of employment, social security and statutory benefits, and health care requirements, ensuring businesses understand their compliance requirements.

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Opening for Business Reports

Opening for Business reports are focused specifically on the needs of HR professionals seeking to gain insight into a new benefits environment. Structured to highlight what’s truly important, this report will give you the insight you need to successfully deliver locally. Topics covered include, employment conditions, costs of benefits, typical insured benefits, leaves and more. 

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Legislative Update Alerts

A user subscription option within our Greater Insight global benefits management platform, this system allows clients to sign-up for weekly updates on key legislative changes around the world. Covered topics include information on new or amended employment laws, benefits rule changes, tax policy rulings, and decisions made by relevant government agencies.  

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