Platform Enhancements: New Output Pages for Market Practice Studies and Other Updates
Our latest code release went live over the weekend on the Radford Network. Key enhancements for this update include:
- The Market Practices page has been updated to include all of our upcoming Market Practice Study reports. These include the Salary Increase and Turnover Study, Short- and Long-Term Incentives, Sales Incentives, Allowances & Paid Leave, and Severance. Please note: if you did not submit input to these studies, you will not be given access.
- The Trends and Practices tabs have been removed from under Data in the navigation bar. In addition, the Benefits page will no longer display the Radford U.S. Benefits Survey. These products have been discontinued and replaced by products within our Market Practice Studies Suite.
- When using Quick Benchmarks or Market Queries, the Ownership market filter has been expanded to include new sub-categories under the Private selection. These new sub-categories include Private–Venture-Backed, Private Equity–Growth, Private Equity–Buyout and Private–Other.
- The Participants list has been updated to include the industry code under the industry column.
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